Wednesday 20 April 2016

Holiday Homework for class - VII

Class- VII

1. Put the correct tense of the verb in brackets
            Bees, like ants, 1. ____________ ( live ) in well-organized colonies. Each colony 2. ______ ( have ) thousands of bees; that is why a hive 3. ______ ( always buzz ) with activity. The entrance to a beehive 4. _________ ( be ) very well-guarded. Should another insect try to go in and steal honey, the guards 5. ______ ( grab ) it and 6. ______ ( sting ) it to death. All the while there 7. ______ ( be ) a busy traffic of bees coming and going. One after another they 8. _________ ( take ) off while others, heavily loaded with nectar and pollen, land and 9. _________ ( enter ) the hive. These are the forager bees which 10. ______ ( fly ) out and 11. ______ ( collect ) food for the other bees in the hive. They 12. ______ ( do ) a sort of dance to tell one another where and how far away food 13. __________ ( be ). The one which 14. ______ ( find ) food does the dance and once they 15. ______ ( tell ) where to go, the others 16. ______ ( fly ) off to bring back more of the food.

 2.  Fill in the blanks with a, an or the where necessary.
 1. Evan is ______ tennis coach. He teaches ______ tennis to ______ students of my school. He is ______ extremely good coach.

 2. He is ______ very strange man. He has ______ queer habit of sleeping during ______ the day and remaining awake at ______ night.

3. While ______ family was away, some burglars broke into and ransacked ______ house. They got away with all ______ jewelry.

  4. Our washerwoman, Madam Chia, comes to our house thrice ______ week. Apart from washing ______ clothes, she sometimes also cleans ______ house. She is paid two hundred dollars ______ month.

5. As I was walking along ______ sandy beach, I spotted ______ bottle floating ______ in water. I picked up ______ bottle and saw that there was ______ note in it.

6.  Ivan has always been interested in ______ cooking. He is currently undergoing ______ training in _______ hotel overseas. He plans to be ______ chef one day and open up his own restaurant.

 7. ______ four men involved in ______ kidnap attempt are wanted by ______ police. ______ reward for information leading to their arrest is ______ thousand dollars.

  8. "If you like watching ______ comedies, you must see ______ movie 'The Life of Brian'. It's ______ funniest movie I've seen this year !" Jackie was overheard saying to ______ person beside her.

 9. ______ tourism industry in ______ country is indeed booming. As ______ result, many young people are ______ enrolling in tourism courses.

 10. John and Shelly are ecstatic. They are going to be parents for ______ first time next year. ______ baby is due in July, John hopes it will be ______ boy whereas Shelly wants ______ girl.

3. Imagine that you are the secretary of Divination Society in Purple Mantle High School, Astoria. You need to compose a notice informing students about the beginner’s course in divination. This is meant for students who want to take up divination as a future career. Use your imagination about the other details.   

4. write another story of Hodja Mulla Nasruddin.

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