Saturday 10 September 2016

Q. 1 Use the correct form of verbs.                                                              

(a) The sun ______ (rise) in the east.
(b) She is _________ (sing) from the morning.
(c) I _____ (hear) you are getting married.
(d) I ______ (go) to the mountains about twice in a year.
(e) What are you________ (do) tomorrow evening?
(f) I ________ (wait) for the shop to open.
(g) The tank ______ (contain) about seven thousand liters at the moment.
(h) I ______ (swear) that I will tell the truth.
(i) He always ________ (do) homework.
(j) Shakespeare ________ (advice) us not to borrow or land.

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