Wednesday 20 April 2016

Holiday Homework for class - VI

Class- VI

1. Identify the type of sentence.

1. How well she sings!
2. What is your name?
3. Did I say anything to make you angry?
4. What is your name?
5. Who told you this?
6. She is a successful writer.
7. It is raining cats and dogs.
8. I want to become a writer.
9. She does not eat meat or fish.
10. Go at once.
11. Bring me that file.
12. My mother makes delicious cookies.
13. Get lost.
14. Fetch me a glass of water.
15. Please be seated.
16. Sit down.
17. Vedansh is watching Television.
18. It is raining.
19. Kavita is singing a song.
20. Anshika is eating.

2. Choose the correct articles (a, an, the)

1.                They live in _____ north of _____ New Jersey.
                   (A)   ---; ---                                                                                                   
                   (B)   the; ---                                                                                                
                   (C)   the; the                                                                                                 
                   (D)   a; ---                                                                                                                                      
2.                You need a lot of _____ patience to knit _____ sweater.
                   (A)   the; a                                                                                                    
                   (B)   ---; ---                                                                                                 
                   (C)   ---; a                                                                                                     
                   (D)   the; the                                                                                                 
3.                Do you play _____ netball in _____ school ?
                   (A)   ---; ---                                                                                                   
                   (B)   the; ---                                                                                                
                   (C)   the; the                                                                                                 
                   (D)   ---; a                                                                                                     
4.                _____ outer layer of _____ skin is called _____ epidermis.
                   (A)   The; a; ---                                                                                             
                   (B)   An; the; ---                                                                                         
                   (C)   An; the; the                                                                                          
                   (D)   The; the; the                                                                                         
5.                _____ rich man gave each of his sons _____ equal portion of his property.
                   (A)   The; a                                                                                                   
                   (B)   A; the                                                                                                 
                   (C)   The; an                                                                                                 
                   (D)   ---; ---                                                                                                   
6.                _____ Eskimo lives in _____ igloo.
                   (A)   An; an                                                                                                  
                   (B)   A; the                                                                                                 
                   (C)   The; a                                                                                                   
                   (D)   ---; an                                                                                                   
7.                She went to _____ prison to visit her husband. She brought _____ cake for him.
                   (A)   ---; a                                                                                                     
                   (B)   the; the                                                                                               
                   (C)   the; a                                                                                                    
                   (D)   an; the                                                                                                  
8.                I was out on _____ evening stroll when I spotted _____ squirrel.
                   (A)   the; a                                                                                                    
                   (B)   an; ---                                                                                                   
                   (C)   ---; the                                                                                                  
                   (D)   an; a                                                                                                     
9.                He is yearning for _____ fame and _____ fortune.
                   (A)   ---; ---                                                                                                   
                   (B)   a; a                                                                                                       
                   (C)   the; the                                                                                                 
                   (D)   a; the                                                                                                    
10.              There is _____ rose plant in my garden. _____ rose plant is tall.
                   (A)   the; ---                                                                                                  
                   (B)   ---; A                                                                                                    
                   (C)   a; The                                                                                                   
                   (D)   a; A                                                                                                    

3. You and your friends are planning to watch a film at home.

            Do you want to order food or would you like to go out after the film?
            What kind of food would you like?
            Where would you like to order from / go out to?

     Write a dialogue between you and your friends to plan the evening. 

4. Asha Mahajan of class X lost her wrist watch in the lunch time. Write a notice on the notice board if any student finds it please submit it in the office.

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