Thursday 2 May 2019



1.     Paste two pictures of any two persons who are differently abled but attained a good position in society. (write and speak for 1 min).
2.       Collect any five NEWS items on the given issues. Paste them in a scrapbook and comment on any two in (120- 150 words)
(A) Environmental issues
(B) Technological Development
(C) Women-centric issues
3.       Make a beautiful bookmark for your English book. Decorate it and write a famous quotation.


1.       Make a file and paste the pictures of the source of Environmental Pollution (Air, Water, Soil) and write what are the steps being taken to reduce pollution. (5 to 10 lines)


1.       Select a paragraph containing approximately 100- 150 words from any newspaper or magazine.
2.       Read every word of the text and prepare a frequency table.
3.       Consider the first letter of each word and put a tally mark in front of the respective letter.
4.       Cut and paste the selected paragraph and do the project in the lab manual page  50 and 51.
5.       Do example sums from chapter 1 and 8.


1.              Prepare a herbarium for 10 types of crops in a scrapbook. identify the pests that affect those crop plants.
2.        Make a poster on the theme- “green revolution”. size of the poster should not be less than an a-3 paper.
3.         Learn symbols of the first 20 elements of the periodic table, compounds, and formulae (given in the notebook), their valencies and metal reactivity series.
1.      कोई भी एक कहानी / कविता लिखिए जिसमें आपके सपनों का वर्णन हो जो जीवन में करना चाहते हो । 
2.    मुहावरों के प्रयोग करते हुए संवाद लिखिए ।  

1.        श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता के अध्याय 9 से कोई पाँच श्लोक अर्थ सहित लिखिए।

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